Thursday, June 7, 2018

word choice - Meaning of うち in "無意識のうちの行動なのだろう"

Given the context I think that this sentence means "it's probably an unintentional action".

But I am unsure of what meaning/nuance the うち adds here. I am used to seeing うち meaning "while" and that's what I'm seeing on various internet sources. But I don't see how a "while" fits into this sentence.


In that context, 「うち」 refers to the situation in which an action is performed or an event takes place.

"While" would not always work as a translation. In fact, I feel that you are thinking of another usage of 「うち」 which describes temporal relationships.

「Intangible Noun + の + うち + + Noun」

= "(Noun) taking place in the situation described by (Intangible Noun)"

「[無意識]{むいしき}のうちの[行動]{こうどう}」 = "an action performed in (the realm of) unconsciousness"

「Intangible Noun + の + うち + + Verb Phrase」

「オリンピックは[成功]{せいこう}のうちに[終]{お}わった。」 = "The Olympics ended in success"

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