Saturday, June 30, 2018

halacha - What b'racha do you say on seeing the Aurora Borealis (if any)?

If one is so lucky as to see the Aurora Borealis (northern lights) or its southern equivalent, does one say a b'racha? If so which one? I've heard that oseh ma'aseh v'reishit applies to comets and shooting stars; would the same b'racha apply to an aurora too?


Aish pathways says

the blessing Oseh Ma’aseh Veraishit is said upon seeing spectacular mountains, deserts, lightning, earthquakes, hurricanes, astronomical phenomena, and impressive bodies of water.

The Wikipedia entry for Aurora is titled “Aurora (astronomy)”.

Thus the bracha Oseh Ma’aseh Veraishit seems right. But CYLOR.

Edit: In the light of the comment from @Double AA, I would suggest a slight modification to the Aish pathways text as follows:

astronomical phenomena which are impressive to the viewer (compare making the blessing only on “mountains and hills in which the greatness of the Creator is evident” of O Ch 228 (3) and Piskei Teshuvos 228 (4) who writes that the condition “in which the greatness of the Creator is evident” will depend on the degree to which the viewer is impressed.)

CYLOR about a really impressive sunrise or sunset!

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