Wednesday, June 27, 2018

parashat bereishit - Questions regarding unusual trope combination

I am relaying a question that my friend emailed to me, last night. (It's a mitzvah to credit others):

There are two places in the Torah that have an unusual dual trope note combination on a single word. The notes are written as telisha gedolah followed by gershayim. In the Torah, this combination can be found in two places:

Breishit 5:29 on the word זה and in Vayikra 10:4 on the word קרבו


  1. Is there any significance to these two words having this trope combination?

  2. Do these specific notes add anything to the word meaning? (this Q may be a dupe or rephrasing of the prev. question.)

  3. The notes are written in one order, but the Ba'al Kri'ah sings them in the opposite order. Why?

  4. Are there any other occurrences in Tana"ch where this combination is found? If so, please list where. (I assume that the list is very small.)


Here is a partial answer. Shaarei Zimra says that there are 5 locations total in Tanach with these two combinations. The first two you mentioned.

Over here he explains why we sing the Gayrshayim first however I do not understand it enough to explain it.

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