Wednesday, June 6, 2018

grammar - Difference between ために and ように

I've got a question regarding difference in usage of 辞書形+ように and 辞書形+ために with verbs' dictionary forms, i.e.

  • 飛行機に乗り遅れないように、前日早寝したのです。

  • 彼は質問をするために手を上げました。

The notion I get is that the first is used with non-action verbs, while the latter form is used with action verbs. Am I correct?


I find SSB's explanation rather complicated. It sounds correct but the most useful explanation I remember is that ために is used for situations where the speaker/actor has control, or ability to make something happen ("in order to"). ように is used when you cannot control the situation ("so that"). (分かるように勉強する: you cannot guarantee that you will come to understand but you study so that you may understand)

In your examples, you go to bed early to ensure you do not oversleep, but you cannot be sure it won't happen because you cannot wake your self up.

You raise your hand because that is the custom to ask a question. The teacher will notice and respond.

(There is a better English explanation in "A students guide to Japanese Grammar" by Naomi Hanaoka McGloin but this is how I remember it.)

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