Saturday, June 30, 2018

hashkafah philosophy - What is "Beyt Shamai/Beyt Hilel" for citing Mishnayot?

This question is intended to clarify D.S'.question - how-can-bet-shamai-argue-on-shamai:

  1. What exactly is called "Beyt Shammay/Hillel"? We don't find this term with other great Rabbis, such as R' Akiva's 24K students are not called Beyt R"A or Beyt Rabbi in terms of Mishnayos in their names. (We do find in the Gemmorah discussions in different Shuls like "תנא דבי ר ישמעאל" or "תנא דבי אליהו" etc.).

  2. If a statement is made in the name of B"H or B"S, ממה נפשך, if they followed their Rabbi the Mishnah should say "Hillel says" or "Shammay says", but if they contradicted their Rabbi's view, it should not be mentioned in their Bayt's name, but in their particular originator's. How this can be explained?

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