Monday, June 25, 2018

Selichot and blessing on Torah study

There are at least two views on the placement of the blessings on Torah study in the morning prayer. German rite places it right before the verses about the laver, and they don't really consider Torah study the recitation verses in a prayer setting. However, most Ashkenazim put these blessings right after the blessing on washing the hands, and they're strict on not reciting such verses without the blessing.

My question would be, whether there were any sources discussing the necessity of saying these blessings before selichot, when we say a large amount of such verses from the Tanakh, including the Torah.


Rema Orach Chaim 46:9 notes that the custom he observed was to recite birchot hatorah only after selichot.

However Mishnah Berurah 46:27 points out that the prevalent custom today is not to recite any verses before birchot hatorah, therefore one should recite birchot hatorah before selichot.

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