Tuesday, June 5, 2018

halacha - Falling behind during selichos

Related to, but not duplicating Falling behind during davening, how should you attempt to keep up with overly-quick recitation of selichos?

I would assume that you interrupt the piyut you’re reciting in order to say the 13 middos along with the tzibur, but what then? Do you

  • continue from where you were,

  • start the next piyut along with the congregation, or

  • does this depend on what’s being said? (E.g., continue with what you’re saying unless the tzibur is up to one of the responsive piyutim.)


Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky in his Sefer Halachos says that you should go back and finish the Piyut you were saying. Better to say one complete one than to say many broken ones.

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