Friday, June 1, 2018

relative clauses - is this sentence gramatically correct? "ano ko ga futteita makka na sukaafu"

This phrase from a song "ano ko ga futteita makka na sukaafu" is gramatically correct? shouldnt be

ano ko ga makka na sukaafu o futteita ?

BTW, ko is translated as "girl" . Ko has many meanings, but I dont remember any of them being "girl". Shouldnt be "kid" here?


To add to psosuna's answer, it's worth noting that the line in question is not a sentence, grammatically speaking. It is a noun phrase, with スカーフ as the main or "head" noun and the preceding portions all describing the scarf. English makes use of relative clauses, with "that" used to coordinate, whereas Japanese allows modifying phrases to directly modify nouns.

Direct translation of the Japanese:


ano ko ga futte ita makka na sukāfu
that girl [subj] waving was pure-red [adj] scarf

An idiomatic English rendering, keeping the structure as a noun phrase:

the pure-red scarf that that girl was waving

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