Friday, June 1, 2018

halacha - Which kind of relations are considered incestuous in Judaism?

Specifically what kind of relationships are defined as incestuous in Judaism? I am guessing that it is forbidden to marry one's parents/children or siblings but what about other relations like first cousins?

Also, what is the specific source (is this outlined Biblically or rabbinically)?


  • Mother (B)

  • Mother's mother (R)

  • Mother's mother's... mother (R)

  • Mother's father's mother (R)

  • Father's mother (R)

  • Father's mother's... mother (R)

  • Father's father's mother (R)

  • Father's wife (B)

  • Father's father's wife (R)

  • Father's father's... father's wife (R)

  • Mother's father's wife (R)

  • Father's mother's father's wife (R; some permit)

  • Father's paternal brother's wife (B)

  • Father's maternal brother's wife (R)

  • Mother's brother's wife (R)

  • Sister (B)

  • Non-Jewish sister (R; some permit)

  • Daughter (B)

  • Daughter's daughter (B)

  • Son's daughter (B)

  • All further female direct descendants (R; some permit)

  • Wife's daughter (B)

  • Wife's daughter's daughter (B)

  • Wife's son's daughter (B)

  • All of wife's further female direct descendants (R; some permit)

  • Wife's mother (B)

  • Wife's mother's mother (B)

  • Wife's father's mother (B)

  • All of wife's further female direct ancestors (R; some permit)

  • Father's sister (B)

  • Mother's sister (B)

  • Son's wife (B)

  • Son's son's wife (R)

  • Son's son's... son's wife (R)

  • Daughter's son's wife (R)

  • Brother's wife (B)

  • Wife's sister while wife is alive (B)

(B = biblically prohibited, R = rabbinically prohibited)

Source: Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer 15

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