Tuesday, March 7, 2017

halacha - American Idol and HaMalbin Pnei Ḥavero BeRabim

(Inspired by this question)

Is watching televised talent shows, such as "American Idol", which are known to invite contestants to embarrass themselves in front of millions, and even have judges whose primary interest seems to be finding flaws to ridicule in their performances, a violation of HaMalbin Pnei Ḥavero BeRabim (embarrassing someone in public), or is that restriction lifted if:

  1. the individual watching isn't doing the embarrassing, and/or

  2. the individual being embarrassed participated voluntarily knowing that public ridicule could/would be a consequence, and/or

  3. the individual being "embarrassed" was then set up to earn a small fortune from his/her 15 minutes of infamy?

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