Sunday, March 26, 2017

passive voice - Grammar of プレッシャーに晒される


after some searching, I also found these sentences:



プレッシャーに晒す, as far as i can tell, you a transitive verb can't take noun+に without a indirect object.

such as "X を/は Y に V-transitive" in general

what is going on in these instances? What is the agent of the passive verb? can pressure itself be the agent?

thank you


プレッシャーに晒す, as far as i can tell, you a transitive verb can't take noun+に without a indirect object.

In プレッシャーにさらす, プレッシャー is the indirect object. The direct object is left out.

[XX]プレッシャーさらす -- active voice
→[XX]プレッシャーさらされる -- passive voice

What is the agent of the passive verb? can pressure itself be the agent?

The agent of the さらす is not mentioned, either. 

[YYが][XX]プレッシャーにさらす -- active voice
→[XX][YYによって]プレッシャーにさらされる -- passive voice

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