Thursday, March 23, 2017

tanach - Did anointed kings of Israel have contact with their parents?

This answer to another question makes me wonder: Did anointed kings of Israel have any contact with their parents? David was dead when Shlomo succeeded him, and Shlomo ruled until his own death. But were Shaul and David's fathers alive during their respective reigns? What about the mothers of all of the above? What about later kings (assuming they had legitimacy)?


While I don't know how it reconciles with the issue you referred to, we see that although Shlomo HaMelech is appointed king (at Dovid HaMelech's command) in 1 Kings 1:32-40 prior to the passing of Dovid HaMelech. In verse 43-4 we read "Jonathan answered and said to Adonijah, 'To the contrary, our lord King David has made Solomon King!...Furthermore, Solomon has sat upon the royal throne." (Artscroll translation). Afterwards in 1 Kings 2 we see Dovid haMelech giving his son the King his final advise and instruction. As Jake mentioned 1 Kings 2:19 Bathsheba had a throne next to her son Shlomo HaMelech.

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