Monday, March 27, 2017

commentaries - Two roots applied to the same verses

I was looking up the word להורות on the website, from the root ירה. And it gave all kinds of conjugations. But it also gave some related words one of those was: הוראה. Both seem to have to do with 'instruction', but one comes fom the root ירא while the other comes from the root ירה. I also noticed that some translators and root dictionaries refer to these two roots with regard to 2 Divrei Hayamim 26:15, Mishlei 11:25 and 2 Samuel 11:24 (וירו) [וירוא], but this time the root ירא seems to be some Aramaic-style-by-form of the verb ירה.

1.Are these roots indeed connected in some way? 2.Is it possible that both root words although different in meaning, apply to these verses?

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