Wednesday, March 29, 2017

electrochemistry - Is there any electronic component to water conductivity?

Answers to Decrease in temperature of a aqueous salt solution decreases conductivity indicate that the electrical conductivity of salt solutions arises from the mobility of ionic species and therefore the temperature dependence of conductivity is related to viscosity.

Question: Is there any measured or predicted electronic component to water conductivity as well, where the charge carriers are electrons rather than ions?

This could take place via charge exchange (migration of bound electrons) or even perhaps via solvated electrons, or some other mechanism.

In this case I'm interested in both pure water, and salt solutions.


I agree with the commenters that electrical conduction is very unlikely, but it's worth going through some possible mechanisms:

  1. actual solvated electrons: As others have noted, free electrons would be expected to react rapidly with protons, even in a basic solution, so this changes quickly to a scenario of sequential electron transfer between protons, so let's do that next.

  2. Sequential electron transfer between $\ce{H.}$ and $\ce{H+}$: Let's assume the solution is strongly acidic, so protons are abundant, and a proton gets reduced at the cathode to a hydrogen atom radical. Based on the bond dissociation energies, abstraction of $\ce{H.}$ from water to form $\ce{H2}$ and $\ce{HO.}$ is slightly unfavorable, the hydrogen radical would be preferred over the hydroxyl radical. (The H-H bond formed has a BDE of ~ $\pu{105 kcal/mol}$, while the $\ce{H-OH}$ bond broken has a BDE of ~$\pu{120 kcal/mol}$.) The problem is the rate of quenching by reaction of two hydrogen atom radicals to form $\ce{H2}$ (which is water electrolysis produces hydrogen gas). I couldn't find a rate constant for that, but there is a published rate constant for recombination of hydroxyl radicals in water that is around $\pu{10^10 M-1 s-1}$. As you might expect, that's essentially diffusion limited, so the rate constant of hydrogen atom recombination is going to be at least as high. If we optimistically assume that transfer of the electron from $\ce{H.}$ to $\ce{H+}$ has a comparable rate constant, you would still have to have a very low concentration of radical and very short path to travel in order for an electron to make it from a cathode to an anode, but it doesn't seem theoretically impossible.

  3. The third possibility would be sequential transfer of electrons from $\ce{HO-}$ to $\ce{HO.}$. In a strongly basic solution, this also seems like a theoretical possibility given a very short path and a very low concentration of radical, assuming there are no other molecules in solution that can quench the radical.

I'm not suggesting that either of these theoretical possibilities actually ever occurs, just that these are the mechanisms that seem most likely to me.

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