Monday, April 16, 2018

olam haba world to come - Does fulfilling the Seven Commandment of Bnei Noach depend on belief in the torah?

theTalmud in Sanhedrin 105a states that "Righteous people of all nations have a share in the world to come" provided they observe the seven commandments of bnei noach.

Does this reward necessitate belief in the divine origin of Torah and Moses being a prophet of God, or even if a non-Jew does not believe this or is ignorant of this, and nevertheless believes in an ethical, monotheistic God (for example by observing nature) and strives to be upright and G-d fearing, observing these 7 laws by following his own conscience?

Looking especially for views of the latter option. If possible what is the majority view of this. I have heard the Rambam holds the former view though don't recall where.

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