Saturday, April 21, 2018

halacha - Do dentures, denture cleaning tablets need to be Kosher for Passover?

In the spirit of the Pre-Pesach holiday, I thought I might ask a question on Pesach Halachot...

I have a denture which has been cleaned with a standard denture cleaner. The cleaner is a tablet that is not specifically kosher for Passover. Can I keep the cleaners over Pesach, or do I need to sell them? Also, what is the status of the denture? Is it still Kosher to be used on Pesach?


See this article.

I'm excerpting a few items that I think are most relevant: The question was initially asked by a young Rav SHlomo Zalman Aurbach zt"l:

Relating to the issue of Bassar B’Chalav, dentures are deemed not to be considered an actual utensil that requires kashering, but rather similar to genuine teeth themselves, sharing the same relevant halachos.

Several authorities maintain that the very same ruling would apply for Pesach, and rule that a thorough cleaning of the false teeth prior to Pesach would be sufficient

Yet, other authorities, including the famed Maharsham[4], feel that one must be more stringent regarding Pesach, and rule that one must at least do an Iruy Roschin, or pouring boiling hot water over them, to be suitable for Pesach use. It must be noted, though, that Iruy is a lesser form of kashering and is usually not considered an acceptable process for utensils.

Although he did qualify his resolution, stating that it is proper not to eat any Chametz within 24 hours before Pesach, and to drink a hot cup of water (hotter than usual) prior to the onset of Pesach, still, he felt that even so, a proper oral cleaning would still be halachically sufficient.

So, what was the name of our erudite scholar? None other than Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l, later to become the Gadol HaDor in his own right! His letter actually turned out to be one of his most famous published halachic rulings in his three volume collection of responsa, Shu”t Minchas Shlomo.

In short, it seems that a cleaning of the dentures in hot water is fine, and even that may not be necessary.

Re denture cleaners, see this:

Kosher for Pesach without " Pesach Hechsher " - Brimm’s Denturite Liquid, Cushion Grip Denture Adhesive, Fixodent Cream,Fixodent Denture Cleanser, Polident.

I'm unaware of other brands around that aren't listed. So, if you have one of these brands, not only don't you need to sell them, but you can use them during Pesach. Happy cleaning and Happy Pesach!

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