Friday, April 27, 2018

tefilla - Why did the Rabbis make a decree for Yovel?

Rambam (Hilchos Tefila 2:8) says that

בד"א ביום צום של כל שנה ושנה אבל ביום צום של שנת היובל מתפלל תפלת המוספים תשע ברכות כמו שהתפלל במוסף ראש השנה והם אותן הברכות עצמן לא פחות ולא יותר ואין מתפללין אותן אלא בזמן שהיובל נוהג: ‏

He says that the Rabbis decreed 9 blessings on Mussaf Yom Kippur on a Yovel year when Yovel is practiced.

Yovel is only practiced when all Jews live in Israel on their ancestral portion (See Rambam Hilchos Shmitta and Yovel 10:10). That stopped during the First Temple period with the exile of the northern ten tribes (a bit more than a hundred years before thee First Temple's destruction).

But the prayers were instituted by the "Men of the Great Assembly", who were active during the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash and the Babylonian exile. So they instituted a prayer on an event which (as of then) hasn't happened for over a hundred years and won't happen again until Moshiach comes.

Why institute a prayer to be said only when Moshiach will be here (sort of Hilchasa LeMeshicha)?

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