Friday, April 27, 2018

tamei tahor ritual purity - Why didn't women complain about not being able to bring the Pesach?

During the first year in the desert, some men were tamei and complained that they couldn't bring the Pesach. This resulted in the mitzvah of Pesach Sheni.

Men and women are equally obligated to bring the Pesach. And a significant fraction of the women must have been niddos at the time. Why didn't they complain as well?

(Women are not obligated in Pesach Sheni, but they're allowed to bring it if they want to. In any case, they couldn't have known this then because they didn't even know Pesach Sheni existed!)

DoubleAA points out that anyone who was a niddah for Pesach Rishon is likely to be a niddah again for Pesach Sheni. Even if you argue that they would have complained but these men were quicker and got in first, they should still have complained again, because the mitzvah of Pesach Sheni didn't address their needs.

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