Saturday, March 18, 2017

words - What's the counter for episodes?

How can I say "I watched 13 episodes so far" in Japanese? What is the counter for episodes?

I also would like to know the right word for episode. Is it 挿話? That's what I found on but since there are no example sentences I have no way of knowing whether this is really the right word.

If possible please could you add the word for season? (see my comment to the answer)


For your purpose, the most often-used word would be 「話{わ}」 followed probably by 「回{かい}」, but not 「挿話{そうわ}」.

「挿話」 is more like an "anecdote" or a little "side-story".

Ordinally, we say 「第{だい}(number)話{わ}」 or 「第{だい}(number)回{かい}」 .

Cardinally, we say 「(number)話」,「(number)話分{わぶん}」,「(number)回分{かいぶん}」, etc.

"I watched 13 episodes so far." =

「第13話まで観{み}た。」(You watched episodes #1 thru #13.)

「13話分(を)観た。」(You watched a combined total of 13 random episodes.)

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