Tuesday, March 14, 2017

talmud gemara - Hashem studies Torah?

The Gemara in Avodah Zarah 3b lays out the 12-hour schedule of Hashem's day. I realize that any kind of description of Hashem in human terms is allegorical as Hashem is not a human bounded by time and space.

The schedule in the Gemara is:

  • First three hours: Hashem is engaged in Torah study

  • Second three hours: Hashem judges his creatures

  • Third three hours: Hashem feeds his creatures

  • Fourth three hours: Hashem sports with Leviathan

I can understand the idea of Hashem judging or feeding his creatures, and for some reason even sporting with Leviathan doesn't strike me as that odd.

But what does it really mean that Hashem studies his own Torah? Why would he do this, and what does he gain from it? What are we to learn from this statement that Hashem studies the Torah?

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