Sunday, July 30, 2017

number - Shiv'im?

Who knows seventy?

Please cite/link your sources, if possible. At some point in the next few days, I will:

  • Upvote all interesting answers.

  • Accept the best answer.

  • Go on to the next number.


70 is/are:

  1. Avrams age when he first came to Canaan- YDK

  2. Years of David haMelech- Shalom

  3. Shekel weight of basin brought by Nachshon be Aminadav- Shalom

  4. Shekel weight of basin brought by Nesanel ben Tzuar- Shalom

  5. Shekel weight of basin brought by Eliav ben Chelon- Shalom

  6. Shekel weight of basin brought by Elitzur ben Sh'deur- Shalom

  7. Shekel weight of basin brought by Shlumiel ben Tzurishadai- Shalom

  8. Shekel weight of basin brought by Elyasaf ben D'uel- Shalom

  9. Shekel weight of basin brought by Elishama ben Amihud- Shalom

  10. Shekel weight of basin brought by Gamliel ben P'dahtzur- Shalom

  11. Shekel weight of basin brought by Avidan ben Gidoni- Shalom

  12. Shekel weight of basin brought by Achiezer ben Amishadai- Shalom

  13. Shekel weight of basin brought by Pagiel ben Ochran- Shalom

  14. Shekel weight of basin brought by Achira ben Enan- Shalom

  15. Bulls for Olah on Sukkos- Shalom

  16. Nations of the world- Chanoch

  17. Descenders to Egypt w/ Yaakov- Chanoch

  18. Defects that render an animal tereifah- Dave

  19. Interval in years between the chilazon's ascent in the sea- Dave

  20. Age at which the אפעה ("vipers" - Artscroll) becomes fertile- Dave

  21. Age at which the carob tree bears fruit- Dave

  22. Man's lifespan- Dave

  23. Age at which man is called a שיבה- Dave

  24. Years of the Babylonian exile- Dave

  25. Weight in Maneh of Tzari in the Ketores- Dave

  26. Weight in Maneh of Tziporen in the Ketores- Dave

  27. Weight in Maneh of Chelbenah in the Ketores- Dave

  28. Weight in Maneh of Levonah in the Ketores- Dave

  29. Interval in years between Shissin cleanings- Dave

  30. 70 nations (mentioned by Chanoch)

  31. Pesukim from beginning of Breishis until Curse of Nachash- YDK

  32. Pesukim from Haman's promotion until his hanging- YDK

  33. Names of Hashem from Breishis until the parashah of the Nachash- YDK

  34. Age that Terach begat Avraham- YDK

  35. Age that Kenan begat Mehalalel- YDK

  36. Days of crying for Yaakov- YDK

  37. Shabbossim/Yamim Tovim in a Solar year- YDK

  38. Names for Hashem- YDK

  39. Names for Yisrael- YDK

  40. Names for the Torah- YDK

  41. Names for Yerushalayim

  42. Years taken from Adam for Dovid

  43. Days from Haman's Iggeres to Mordechai's- YDK

  44. Years of Choni's slumber- YDK

  45. Number of Elders to assist Moshe- YDK

  46. Number of lots with the word "zaken"- YDK

  47. Number on the Sanhedrin acc. to Rabbi Yehudah- YDK

  48. The number of golden chairs set above Shlomo haMelech's throne- YDK

  49. Gematria of Yayin- YDK

  50. Gematria of Sod- Shalom

  51. Facets of the Torah- YDK

  52. Rabbi Elazar's age/appearance when appointed- Dave/YDK

  53. Shmittos from the 1st Churban to the 2nd- YDK

  54. Good years that turn bad b/c of Nivul Peh- YDK

  55. Date trees in Elim

  56. Unit of years that a court is destructive if it executes more than 1 person- Dave

  57. Sifrei Torah written by Rav Huna- Dave

  58. Age of Ramban when he moved to Eretz Yisrael- Dave

  59. Sons of Gideon from wives- YDK

  60. Brothers to Avimelech- YDK

  61. Silver pieces given to Avimelech by Anshei Sh'chem- YDK

  62. Children and grandchildren to Avdon ben Hillel- YDK

  63. Donkeys owned by the above- YDK

  64. Answers to the stirah in Rav Ashi- Shalom

  65. Original Tikkunim in Tikkunei Hazohar- Isaac Moses

  66. Lamps to Shlomo haMelech's Menoros- Dave

  67. Languages to the world- Jeremy

  68. Year CE of the Churban Bayis Sheni- Jeremy

  69. Days Menachos grain was planted before Pesach- Dave

  70. Interval of years between arrivals of an anti-navigational star- Dave

  71. Amos of Heichal (w/o Ulam) in the 2nd Bayis- Dave

  72. Amos (+) to a city's Ibur- Shalom

  73. Translators of the Septuagint (acc. to 1 version- pardon the pun)- Jeremy

  74. Verses in Megillas Esther from Haman's ascension to his hanging)- Alex

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