Friday, March 3, 2017

number - What are the 30 Mitzvot for Bnei Noach?

What are the 30 Mitzvot (Commandments) that Bnei Noach have accepted (based on Hullin 92a)?

שלשים מצות שקבלו עליהם בני נח.‏
Thirty commandments which Bnei Noach accepted upon themselves.


Rabi Menachem Azaria from Pano says that the Thirty commandments is sections of the 7 commandments (עשרה מאמרות, מאמר חקור דין חלק ג פרק כא).

Rashi on the Gmara says that we don't know what is the list of the 30 commandments.

See also the Talmud Yerusalmi (מסכת ע"ז דף ט,א פרק ב הלכה א גמרא) that says in the future Bnei Noach get 30 commandments. Maybe this is the meaning of Ula.

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