Monday, March 20, 2017

Meaning of それだけ in this sentence

Here is the sentence :


I've difficulties finding information about this word. From the examples I read, it seems to me that, when used after a clause ending in ば its meaning is similar to the ば...ほど construction :


The more people there will be, the more advantage you will have.

Is this what それだけ means in this case? And if it is, does it have the same meaning in other constructions?


Your understanding is spot on. In that sentence,

「それだけ」=「その[分]{ぶん}だけ」 = "just as much"

However, I would be careful about saying that 「[人数]{にんずう}が[多]{おお}ければそれだけ」 is exactly the same thing as 「人数が多ければ多いほど」 in this particular context. This is because the latter phrase puts no limit on the number of people. Admittedly, I am not familiar with the story, so I have no idea about how many people it is talking about. Knowing the exact context, you are in a better position to decide whether or not 「多ければ多いほど」 can replace the exisiting phrase.

「それだけ」 does not always mean this. It can mean "only that" or "that is all" in other contexts.

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