Friday, March 17, 2017

halacha theory - Were Midrashim and Aggadeta transmitted to Moshe on Sinai like the Halachic Torah She'be'al Peh?

The halachic part of the Torah She'be'al Peh was transmitted to Moshe on Sinai along with the written Torah (or in the Ohel Moed afterward).


How is Shemitta relevant to Mount Sinai? Were not all of the mitzvot said at Sinai? Rather [it comes to teach that] just like all of Shemitta's principles and details are from Sinai, so too all the other mitzvot's principles and details are from Sinai.

Rambam in the Introduction to his Peirush on Mishnayos:

Know that every Mitzva that the Holy One, Blessed Be He gave to Moses our teacher, He gave with its interpretation. The Holy One, Blessed Be would tell him the [Torah] verse and then tell him its interpretation and explanation and everything that was included in that deep text…

What about the non-halachic parts of the Oral Torah? Were Midrashim and Aggadeta transmitted at Sinai like the halachic Torah She'be'al Peh?

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