Monday, March 20, 2017

halacha - Live Vs. Recorded Music during the Omer

What are Halachik reasons that some Poskim allow recorded music during the Omer, but others forbid all music?


Rav Hutner allowed it because he felt there is no real true joy (simcha) from taped music that will bring you to dancing and since that is the reason for the prohibition, he allowed it during sefira.

By extension of the same logic, Reb Shlomo Zalman in his sefer on Pesach allows cantorial music (Chazunis) and classical music too; of course, he adds it is better to be stringent.

Reb Pinchas Scheinberg has the most intriguing approach and basically says that today most people are in depressive moods and need the music as a medical necessity ("refuah"), so music is never prohibited.

Just an interesting extension of the music on sefiras Haomer, I saw recently that Reb Sternbach does not allow acapella music, but does allow music for exercising.

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