Sunday, January 29, 2017

pregnancy birth - Woman attending shul after childbirth

There is a common custom that a woman who has given birth does not travel anywhere until she has gone to shul. What is the source of this custom, and what are its details? (I.e., it is necessary to hear Kaddish, or Krias HaTorah etc.)


Orach Chaim 282 - see Magen Avraham towards end, also Pishchei Olam and Matamei HaShulchan in Orach Chaim 282 - it is in place of the Korban a lady used to bring after giving birth.

See Sefer Panim Meiros Volume 2 Question 124 (published appx 300 years ago in Amsterdam) that when a woman finally has enough strength to leave her house after giving birth, she first visits a Shul.

Shaalos U'Tshuvos Bzail HaChocmo Chelek 6 Siman 78 "It is a Minhag from the Kadmonim that a lady does not go anywhere after giving birth, prior to going to the Shul as a Zecher for the Korban that was brought after a lady gave birth".

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