Friday, January 27, 2017

grammar - How is 上 used in this sentence?

I have trouble understanding what 上 means in this sentence.


If I had to interpret これからの人生を送る上で, it means "within my life from now on"? and is the で particle is used to indicate scope of this person's life?

Can someone explain how 上 works here?


It's actually not just 上, it's the grammar pattern「Aする上で」. 「Aする上で」means something like "When doing A". So your sentence means something like "The fact that I have had a very rich experience will be very beneficial (a lifetime treasure?) for my future life!" Though the lack of context makes this sentence a bit weird.

Here are some example sentences from :

そのため、英語が苦手だと、実験を作成するうえでの自由度が制限される。 Therefore, if you're bad at English, the degree of freedom in creating experiments (when creating experiments) will be limited.

これまた西欧文明を理解するうえで、忘れてはならないことでありましょう。 Again, let's not forget this when trying to understand Western European civilization.

基本的に動物福祉を説明するうえで以下の3つの概念が用いられる。 Basically, the following three concepts are used to explain (when explaining) animal welfare.

もちろん、脳は世界を認識するうえでの「ハブ」となる大切な臓器です。 Of course, the brain is an important organ that becomes a "hub" in percepting (when percepting) the world.

As you can see する上で can also be followed by の if there's a noun after it.

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