Sunday, November 4, 2018

meaning - What does verb + くなる imply or mean?

I was talking to a person and they used:


Does that mean I have come to cherish or something like that?


Does that mean I have come to cherish or something like that?

Yes, that is precisely the idea!

Now, a grammar explanation...

「なる」 here means "to reach a certain (new) state" and you will keep encountering this usage of the word as long as you study Japanese. That is a promise from a native speaker.

「[連用形]{れんようけい} (continuative form) + なる」= "to become ~~", "to start doing ~~", etc.

「たく」 is the 連用形 of the subsidiary verb 「たい」("to want to"); therefore, 「~~したくなる」 means "to start wanting to ~~". (「し」 is the 連用形 of「する」)

「[赤]{あか}くなる」 = "to turn red". 「赤く」 is the 連用形 of 「赤い」.

「パリに[行]{い}きたくなった。」 = "I have started wanting to go to Paris."

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