Sunday, November 18, 2018

talmud bavli - Returning Lost Property to a Gentile

Why is it forbidden to return lost property to a non-Jew?

Its been a while since I learnt the discussion about hashovas aveido (returning lost property) in Baba Metzia; but I just learnt Sanhedrin 76b where it says it is a sin, and cites a verse (Deuteronomy 29:19) to say "Lo Havei Hashem Sloach Lo" (God won't forgive him), and the Rashi there ("hamachzir aveido l'kuti/goy") which tries to explain it - make no sense to me.

Zogt Rashi: It's a bizui (degradation) to return a lost item to a non-Jew because there's no mitzvo (command; the verses is: "avedas ohicho", the lost property of your brother). But how is this different from Loshon Horo (gossip) which is forbidden to speak about a goy? Isn't it general middos (character traits), chessed (kindness), Kiddush Hashem (for God's greater glory)?

Not required I hear, but forbidden?!

Also see Rambam in Hilkhos G'zelo Va'aveido 11:3, where he makes some allowances where it would cause a big Kiddush Hashem, but base case is still forbidden.

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