Monday, November 5, 2018

particles - How to break down who did what in AにBをCさせる

I'm trying to understand the following:


I guess this could be generalized as AにBをCさせる.

It's confusing. Maybe if someone can break down how to understand this and then I can memorize it.


Usually, you have a sentence like:

koohai ga saihu wo hirak-u

'the junior opens the wallet'

where the subject takes and the object takes .

There is a morpheme -(s)ase- 'let', 'make' that expresses causative. The way you use it is that you embed the sentence, and change the embedded subject into , take another subject that will be the causer.

kimi ga [koohai ni saihu wo hirak]-ase-ru
'you let [the junior open the wallet]'

In your example, the subject 君が is actually omitted, so you have


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