Wednesday, November 21, 2018

minhag - Sitting for "Ashre"?

I have seen people seemingly careful to sit down when beginning the paragraph of prayers that starts "Ashre yosh've vesecha" (Ps. 84:5). One such person told me that he was, in fact, careful to do so, and that this was so he be counted among those mentioned as fortunate in the verse ("Fortunate are those who dwell/sit in Your house…").

(Incidentally, this seems odd to me, because the verse seems to be referring to those who dwell, not those who sit, in God's house, and also because it's referring to sitting/dwelling in general, not specifically while reciting the verse itself. In any event…)

  • Is there a source that encourages sitting for "Ashre" (the paragraph, or its start)? or even a source that mentions the custom (perhaps even to indicate its baselessness)? Any information on the custom's provenance?

  • If so, any indication on whether the custom applies equally every time "Ashre" is recited (before shacharis, before mincha, before s'lichos, at the end of shacharis, or, heck, any time the verse is recited by someone saying T'hilim)?

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