Tuesday, May 1, 2018

word choice - Difference between 獣{しし} and 野獣{やじゅう} (beast)

I learnt the words 獣{しし} and 野獣{やじゅう} and their definitions look too similar. Can someone explain me the difference between them?

While searching more for beast words, I also found that 獣 could also be spelt けもの or けだもの (also written in katakana ケダモノ).


獣 is always read けもの or けだもの in modern Japanese.


Simply refers to any kind of beast or animal.


It's only used for emotionally deprived, unscrupulous, monstrous individuals, like a murderer, rapist or barbarian. It always refers to the actual perpetrator, so for example, you wouldn't call Adolf Hitler a けだもの. Think of Chucky from Child's Play.


Also means beast or brute, but it doesn't carry any negative connotation like けだもの.

しし is not used in modern Japanese as 獣, but 獅子{しし} is an outdated form of ライオン.

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