Sunday, May 27, 2018

parshanut torah comment - Why did Yosef's brothers speak freely in the presence of the interpreter?

In Parashat Miketz, Yosef's brothers encounter him disguised as the viceroy of Egypt, and he accuses them of espionage, jails them for three days, and makes a demand that they know their father would never allow. In his presence, they discuss their suspicion that they are being Divinely punished for their mistreatment of Yosef years earlier. They have no reservations discussing this in front of Yosef because (Gen. 42:23):

וְהֵם לֹא יָדְעוּ כִּי שֹׁמֵעַ יוֹסֵף כִּי הַמֵּלִיץ בֵּינֹתָם

They did not know that Joseph understood, for the interpreter was between them.

In other words (according to Rashi's intuitive explanation), during their entire encounter with their disguised brother, they'd been speaking Hebrew to an interpreter, who was translating into Egyptian for Yosef. So, they assumed that Yosef didn't know Hebrew and that they could therefore speak freely in this language.

I've always wondered why they weren't concerned that the translator himself would report their conversation to Yosef. Does the verse really mean that the interpreter had been between them, and now he was on a pistachio break? Or, was there some sacrosanct code of interpreters that they would never report on overheard conversations? If Yosef had Hebrew interpreters at his command, shouldn't they have suspected that he'd have Hebrew-understanding spies listening to their conversations also?


The sefer Binyan Ariel explains that since the gemara in Sotah implies that Pharaoh did not know Hebrew (Loshon Hakodesh), it was not the language of the land of Canaan, and so they were safe in assuming that the interpreter also only understood the Canaan language (the language which they had been using to speak to Yosef) but not Hebrew. Therefore they were not careful when they were speaking Hebrew amongst themselves in front of the interpreter.

However, they should have been careful not to speak amongst themselves in Hebrew in front of Yosef because he was ruler, and they should have therefore assumed that he knew all the languages since it was normal for rulers to know all languages. But because they saw that “the interpreter was between them” it was clear that Yosef did not know every language, because if he did he would not have needed an interpreter but would instead have spoken directly to his visitors in whatever language they spoke. From this they deduced that if he was not expert in all other languages, he certainly didn't know Hebrew, and therefore they were not careful when speaking amongst themselves in an language which not everyone spoke.

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