Monday, May 21, 2018

nuances - The role of と particle in 「二度としない」

What is the role of と particle in 「二度としない」? Is it quotative, adverbialisation, change of state or supposition?

Also, what extra nuances does it contribute to the expression compared to if も is used instead (二度もしない)?


It's best to consider 二度と as an adverb on its own, meaning '(not) again'.

The 二度 here is pronounced 「にど」, but the meaning aligns with its alternate reading, 「ふたたび」 -- which is, of course, usually written 再び in modern Japanese.

The と here feels very similar in usage to the と in an onomatopoeic expression like きっぱりと [an intuition which seems to be confirmed, since they're adjacent senses in 大辞林], but is used very much like English '(not) [small amount]', e.g. 'It won't cost you a penny' (「1円とかからない」). The difference with 二度と just seems to be that its frequency of use is raised to the level of a more standard adverb. Additionally, there's also またと, which carries basically the same meaning, and is generally used in the adjectival expression またとない.

As for 二度も -- this is actually entirely different, being a simple production of 二度+も, and meaning 'even twice' (positive or negative). I'll refer you to ALC for examples:

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