Monday, May 28, 2018

usage - Using くれる for doing something bad

Today I heard the phrase なんてことしてくれた, as in:


which I learned means "Look what you've done". I thought くれる was only used when someone does something nice for you. Is this just a set phrase, where くれる is being used sarcastically, or are there other times you can use くれる when someone does something you don't like?


Speaking from personal experience, I do hear the ~くれる form used this way all the time in video games and such, and it seems to me that it does carry a kind of sarcasm(the Japanese kind :D).

I mostly hear やってくれたな! when the opponent does something to the person, but I seldom hear it used this way on any word besides する and やる, so I'd assume yours is a good bet.

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