Thursday, May 3, 2018

halacha - Avoiding solitary walks because of demons?

In the Shulkhan Aruch, O''C 551:18 it is written:

צריך ליזהר מי"ז בתמוז עד ט' באב שלא לילך יחידי מד' שעות עד ט' שעות (משום שבהם קטב מרירי שולט) ; ולא יכו התלמידים בימים ההם.‏

From the Seventeenth of Tamuz until the Ninth of Av one needs to be careful not to walk alone from the fourth hour of the day until the ninth hour (because during these days [the demon] ketev meriri has control); and one should not beat students during those days.

Is this halakha of walking alone still applicable today? If rabbis have permitted people to walk alone during the three weeks, what is their reasoning?

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