Saturday, July 15, 2017

words - 麦酒 (ばくしゅ) for "beer"

The word ビール (beer) is commonly used. According to the dictionary, there is the Japanese word 麦酒 (ばくしゅ), which means the same. But I have never heard it. Is it used these days or not anymore?


麦酒 is no longer used, although it remains in some company names (example).

青空文庫全文検索 provides the frequency data based on the birth year of authors. According to this and this, 麦酒 was a less common alternative for ビール already before WWII. 麦酒 dropped out of use somewhere after WWII (I think it's very soon after WWII; my grandfather in his nineties uses ビール).

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