Thursday, July 13, 2017

number - Shelosh Meyot?

Who knows three hundred?

?שלוש מאות - מי יודע

In the spirit of the song "Echad", please post interesting and significant Jewish facts about the number 300.

Check out for the previous two hundred ninety-nine entries in this ongoing series.

Please include sources for your information wherever possible, as with all other answers on this site.


  • 300 cups of chemicals must be poured over a persons head before the skull softens enough to permit brain surgery! (Kesubos 77b)

  • R' Eliezer knew 300 laws about planting cucumbers through magic, and 300 laws about a specific form of tzaraas, that no one (except R' Akiva) ever asked him about. (Sanhedrin 68a)

  • R' Meir had 300 parables involving foxes (Sanhedrin 38b)

  • R' Yehudah ben Bava was pierced with 300 hundred spears after giving smicha to 5 students. (Avoda Zara 8b)

  • "Rava said: Nebuchadnezzar sent Nebuzaradan three hundred mules laden with iron axes that could break iron, but they were all shattered on a single gate of Jerusalem" (Sanhedrin 96b)

  • Iyov's (Job's) three friends each lived 300 parasangs from each other (Bava Basra 16b)

  • Rabbah said: Seafarers told me: There is a distance of three hundred parasangs between one wave and the other, and the height of the wave is [also] three hundred parasangs (Bava Basra 73a)

  • Beruriah (R' Meir's wife) studied 300 laws from 300 teachers every day. (Pesachim 62b)

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