Tuesday, February 14, 2017

What parts of selichot can be said without a minyan?

Suppose attending a minyan for selichot is impossible in the week before Rosh Hashannah. Which parts of selichot can be said without a minyan, and which parts must be omitted?


If someone is unable to attend a Minyan for Selichos he would not say the Shelosh Esrei Midos. In addition the Ashkenazim would not say the words that are in Aramaic, however for Sefardim there are those that permit it. There are also those that permit saying the Shelosh Esrei Midos if it is done to the tune we read the Torah.

Sources: Mishna Berura 581:4, Hilchos Chagim - Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu - page 206, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Yalkot Yosef 581:15

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