Thursday, February 16, 2017

tzitzis - Why do Chabad tallis katans have no fringe along the bottom?

Every Chabad tallis katan I have seen does not have fringes along the bottom, but it seems popular to have them on other types of tallis katans, particularly other Chassidishe ones.

Ashkenazi Tallis Katan (Ben's Tallit Shop)

Here's a normal Ashkenazi tallis katan. See the fringes along the bottom? (Photo courtesy of Ben's Tallit Shop)

enter image description here

Or here's a rather large picture of a Chassidishe man wearing a tallis katan, where you can obviously see the fringes. (Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)

But when you see Chabad tallis katans, I've never seen one with fringes like this! I notice that most (if not all) Chabadniks wear their tallis katan under the shirt, and so there is no need for the decorative fringes, I guess.

But has anyone ever seen one with fringes along the bottom?


I not only saw them, I used one (Chabad and fringes) everyday,

I used then to seperate the front from back (the one I have has fringes on one side), it seems more popular in smaller sizes (maybe it is not so popular in Chabad becouse it is considered by some childish/cute...)

At home people sometimes walk without their shirt on, and in the mikva they can also be seen, some people untuck their shirts all day so that it is warn on them not smashed together by their pants into a scarf

Bli neder I will get a better (cleaner/new) picture up soon

enter image description here

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