Wednesday, November 7, 2018

minhag - 6 chapters of Avos in 7 weeks

Some study pirke Avos weekly through the summer, from Pesach to Rosh Hashana. Others do so only for the six Shabasos between Pesach and Shavuos, one chapter a week. I've heard the latter custom explained as providing moral preparation for Shavuos, though I don't know a source for this offhand.

In Israel, in some years, there are seven Shabasos between Pesach and Shavuos. (This occurs when the first day of Pesach is Shabas.) My question is about those who normally study pirke Avos only until Shavuos: what do they do in those years? Study chapter 1 the seventh week? Start the second week (studying nothing the first)? Something else? And why?

A source would be appreciated (especially for the "why").


Nitei Gavriel cites sources that say that in that case the people in Eretz Yisrael indeed start saying Pirkei Avos on Shabbos the 22nd of Nissan and continue from there, so that they recite the sixth chapter on the sixth Shabbos of the Omer. For the seventh Shabbos, then, they study the first chapter of Maseches Derech Eretz Zuta.

(He actually says ויש שנוהגים בא״י להשוות אח״כ סדר אמירת פרקי אבות בא״י וחו״ל, and I have to confess I don't know what that means: the Noheg Katzon Yosef that he cites seems to say the other way around - he suggests that in such years people outside E.Y. should say the first chapter of DEZ on Acharon Shel Pesach so that they're not missing anything that the E.Y. people are saying.]

On the other hand, R. Yehoshua Mondshine, in Otzar Minhagei Chabad, quotes Luach Colel Chabad and other sources that seem to imply that in such a case the people in E.Y. indeed wait a week and begin Pirkei Avos only on 29 Nissan, so as to stay in step with people outside the Land.

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