Thursday, November 8, 2018

halacha - Is signing G-d's Holy name in casual conversation a violation of mentioning His name in vain?

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (6:3) writes:

אסור להוציא שם שמים לבטלה וכל המוציא שם שמים לבטלה עובר על מצות עשה דכתיב את ה' אלהיך תירא ... ולא לבד בלשון הקודש אסור אלא אפילו בכל לשון אסור

It is forbidden to say G-d's name (lit. ''the Heavenly Name'') in vain, and everyone who says G-d's name in vain transgresses a positive commandment, as it is written: ''The Lord your G-d you shall fear;'' ... It is not just in (Hebrew) the Holy Tongue, that (mentioning the Name) is forbidden, but even in any language it is forbidden.

In this context of stating "any" language, is this restricted to verbal language, or is sign language included?

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