Thursday, October 18, 2018

number - Meya?

Who knows one hundred?

Please cite/link your sources, if possible. At some point in the future, subject to holiday and user activity delay, I will:

  • Upvote all interesting answers.

  • Accept the best answer.

  • Go on to the next number.


Ok, 100, here we go!

  1. The Heichal of the second Beish Hamikdash was 100 amos tall. -msh210

  2. ..and 100 amos long.

  3. ..and 100 amos wide.

  4. Brochos to say each day -JeremyR

  5. 100 times ש״ם is written in Tehillim. -Yahu

  6. 100 amos2 where the Kohanim walked on top of the exterior altar. -msh210

  7. 100 children of Kayin. -Gershon Gold

  8. 100 people that Elish fed miraculously. -msh210

  9. 100 cc's in the Chazon Ish's K'beitzah -msh210

  10. Shem was 100 years old when his son Arpachshad was born. -msh210

  11. 100 prophets that OVadya hid from Izevel. -msh210

  12. 100 is the number used for large examples in Rabbinic literature. -msh210

  13. 100 amos that water must travel underground before it's considered a spring when it comes back up. -msh210

  14. 100 amos tall was Adam. -msh210

  15. 100 amos around a grave that there might still be body parts. -msh210

  16. 100 amos is how far the carob tree moved. -msh210

  17. 100 זוז in a woman's second marriage kesubah. -Gershon Gold

  18. 100 walk-amos is the duration of a light sleep. -Isaac Moses

  19. 100 Shofar blasts on Rosh Hashana. -Isaac Moses

  20. 100 species of impure birds in the east. -Isaac Moses

  21. 100 is how much Yaakov paid for real-estate near Sh'chem. -msh210

  22. 100 years will still be young at death says Yechezkel HaNavi. -msh210

  23. 100 years old when Sarah still looked like 20. -msh210

  24. 100 zuz wants another 100 zuz. -Isaac Moses

  25. 100 silver that a מוציא שם רע pays. -Yahu

  26. 100 times that "שמים" is written in Torah. -Yahu

  27. Torah learning is 100 times more valuable in difficult circumstances. -Isaac Moses

  28. 100 times that you must have said Mashiv Haruach, before you can assume that you say the right one without thinking. -ArghMo

  29. Heter 100 Rabbis. -ArghMo

  30. 100 silver sockets for the Mishkan. -YDK

  31. 100 answers for the missing miracle question. -Isaac Moses Meah Shearim. -Yahu

  32. The cross-sectional area of the Mishkan (viewed from the East or West) was 100 square cubits (10x10). -Isaac Moses

  33. 100 times the chullin must outnumber the terumah to be able to use the mixture. -Dave

  34. 100 years old was Avraham when Yitzchak was born. -jutky

  35. 100 Rabbis from R' Moshe Feinstein's home town. -Alex

  36. 100 amos was the length of the Mishkan's courtyard. -Dave

  37. 100 zuz in a maneh. -Shalom

  38. 100 times the word בנימן is in Tanach. -Shalom

  39. 100 times the word האחד is in Tanach. -Shalom

  40. 100 reviews which is incomparable to 101 reviews (Chagiga 9b) -HodofHod because..

  41. 100 reviews is what was common in Talmudic times (brought in Tanya Ch. 15) -HodofHod

  42. 100 zuz is the value of virginity at the time of marriage.

  43. 100 clusters of raisins that Tziva brought to Dovid. (2 Shmuel 16) -HodofHod

  44. 100 summer fruits that Tziva brought to Dovid. (ibid.) -HodofHod

  45. "The city that went forth a thousand shall have a hundred left" (Amos 5:3) -HodofHod

  46. "And five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase ten thousand". (Vayikra 26:8). -HodofHod

  47. בן מאה שנים כאילו עבר ובטל מן העולם. -Dave

  48. אַרְתַּחְשַׁסְתְּא guaranteed Ezra 100 talents of silver.

  49. ..and 100 measures of wheat.

  50. ..and 100 baths of wine.

  51. ..and 100 baths of oil. (Ezra 7:22) -HodofHod

  52. "A rebuke entereth deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred stripes into a fool." (Mishlei 17:10) -HodofHod

  53. 100 amos was the length of King Solomon's house. (1 Kings 7:2) -HodofHod

  54. 100 sheep that King Solomon's court went through, a day! (1 Kings 5:3) -HodofHod

  55. 100 bullocks that were sacrifice when the 2nd Beis Hamikdash was completed. (Ezra 6:16) -HodofHod

  56. 100 talents of silver the Ammon gave to King יוֹתָם. (Chronicles 1 27:5) -HodofHod

  57. 100 chariots that Dovid reserved from what he took from הֲדַדְעֶזֶר מֶלֶךְ-צוֹבָה . (Chronicles 1 18:4) -HodofHod

  58. פַרְעֹה נְכֹה fined Israel 100 talents of silver during the reign of יְהוֹאָחָז. (Kings 2 23:33) -HodofHod

    Gematria of:

  59. "לכן" -msh210

  60. "מדה במדה" -msh210

  61. "מדון" -msh210

  62. "לך לך" -Gershon Gold

  63. "מודים" -Gershon Gold

  64. "המלכה" -Gershon Gold

  65. "כף" -Gershon Gold

  66. "פך" -Gershon Gold

  67. "על"

  68. "סם"

  69. "ימים"

  70. "כלים"

  71. "בן חיל"

  72. "יהועדה"

  73. "ימלך"

  74. "סכך"

  75. "מס"

  76. "ממך"

  77. "מיכל"

  78. "מלכי"

  79. "סלי"

  80. "מכם"

  81. "עודך"

  82. "המימה"

  83. "מימי"

  84. "נלך"

  85. "ילין"

  86. "טמאים"

  87. "יגאלנו"

  88. "ובחסדך"

  89. "ויחלמו"

  90. "גביעיה"

  91. "ייסך"

  92. "מני"

  93. "בלחמך"

  94. "ליני"

  95. "כלכל"

  96. "חצב"

  97. "וילדים"

  98. "יפי"

  99. "בכוכבים"

  100. Answers in this answer.

(Ok, I know the gematrias got a little out there, but you try coming up with 50 other references for 100!)

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