Wednesday, October 31, 2018

word choice - The different meanings of "life"? 生気/生活/ライフ/生 命/一生/人生/命

I was looking through a dictionary and came across 生活. My original question was

Is this the difference between 生気/生活?

生気 would be like an idea of life. more abstract

生活 would be concrete. So like something/one's life.

My new question is can you help me to understand the different ways "life" is said in Japanese? I actually forgot about 人生 and 命 when I wrote the question. I didn't know about ライフ/生命/一生 (and others?). I think 人生 would usually be when talking about a person's life right?


生活【せいかつ】 is English life, livelihood, or living; day-to-day activities of people.

命【いのち】 is life; it's something we lose when we die. Synonyms: 生【せい】、生命【せいめい】

生気【せいき】 is more like liveliness, spirit, or energy. Synonyms: 元気【げんき】、活力【かつりょく】

一生【いっしょう】 is a whole life of someone. Synonym: 生涯【しょうがい】

人生【じんせい】 is human's (whole) life; use this only for humans, of course.

ライフ is rarely used unless you're a video gamer. When used, it's the same as 生活 or 命.


  • 生活が苦しい difficult to live on (due to financial problems)

  • 生活保護 public assistance

  • 快適な生活 comfortable life

  • 交通事故で命を失う lose one's life in a traffic accident

  • 残り少ない命 little time left to live

  • 命が惜しければ... if you value your life...

  • 生気のない顔 colorless face

  • 声から生気が消える speak in an inanimate voice

  • 生気が戻る become energetic again

  • 一生で一度だけ/人生で一度だけ once in a lifetime

  • 一生の仕事 one's lifework

  • ライフが少ない health is low (in games)

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