Saturday, October 27, 2018

bugs - Can a non-Jew eat living ants?

My pizza has some ants in it. I thought, who cares. Just eat them alive.

Does that break Noahide laws?

Must all of our food must be really sterile (i.e., dead)?


The Mishneh Torah rules:

The prohibition applies to a limb or flesh that is separated from either a domesticated animal or a beast. However, it appears to me that a gentile is not executed for eating a limb taken from a living bird. ( Melachim uMilchamot 9:11)

Though the Rava'ad (see Moznaim ibid) disagrees, he exempts a sheretz (creeping creature), and it is would seem seafood is just out of the equation.

It would seem then that the prohibition would not extend to insects or similar creatures.

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