Monday, October 15, 2018

minhag - Why 2 candles for yom tov

For Shabos, there is a custom to light 2 candles: one for shamor and one for zachor.

Shulchan aruch harav 263.1:

‏…אחד כנגד זכור ואחד כנגד שמור…‏

I understand that on yomtov they (the people that light on shabos) also light 2 candles.




The Pri Migadim says this is the custom, and suggests it is for man and woman, pointing to Eliya Rabba, who explains what that means: A man has 248 limbs, a woman 252. נר (candle) is 250, so 250 times 2 equals the number of limbs in man and woman combined. The Eliya Rabba brings this as an alternative reason for two candles on Shabbos. There the Eliya Rabba also suggests another reason for two candles - for the two souls which are combined together into the body of a person.

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