Saturday, July 7, 2018

rabbis - why are there so few great gedolim today

Given that there are far more people learning torah full time today than the past few centuries, why are there so few Gedolim coming out of the yeshivot compared to previous generations? (By "Gedolim" I refer to torah scholars who know the shas and poskim in depth and have it at their fingertips. Many of them also had ruach hakodesh and powers to "change things" with their berachas, as can be seen for example from reading artscroll biographies of them or from numerous first hand accounts of people involved.)

I once heard from Rabbi Nachman Bulman zt'l "when I was a boy in NYC, in every shietble you went to there were baal batim that were great lamdanim in kol shas kulo" (i.e. great talmudic scholars everywhere). What is going on here?

Please provide a source and no lashon hara.

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