Sunday, July 22, 2018

halacha - How to respect your wife (what type of respect)

What does it mean practically from a halohik point of view to respect your wife.

Can i do it by standing for her when she comes in?

I know that by parents it is to feed, drink, dress, cover, take in, take out, and do this with a beautiful face (maybe to stand for them, and to do what they say you should do*****, if it is not against the Torah).

But it does not seem to me the way to understand respect your wife

Since in rambam ch. 15 halacha 19 it say "She should carry out all her deeds according to his directives, considering him to be an officer or a king. She should follow the desires of his heart and shun everything that he disdains".

I'm my mind this will be a contradiction. (maybe because I am Ashkenazi)

Maybe it can be understood from

Rambam ibid halacha 20 says "our Sages commanded that a man honor his wife more than his own person".
How much does a person need to respect himself (if we know this then he can do something extra for his wife)?

(I one heard it has to do only with clothing, if true please provide a source)

Is there a logical (hochmo bgoim) explanation of this respect? (Something like "first kill all the marriage counselors" but for men)

On this subject from rashi vaikra 19.3 it seems that doing what they tell you is fear not respect

...Although I have admonished you regarding the fear of your father, nevertheless, if he tells you to desecrate the Sabbath, do not listen to him...


Mitzvas Habayis - page 305 starts off that respecting your wife is talking about clothing and jewelry where one is supposed to do more for his wife than for himself. He goes on to say this includes food also.

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