Monday, July 23, 2018

grammar - How to understand this usage of 「〜て来た」?

I found a slightly unnatural use of 「〜て来た」 in the postscript of the Gospel in colloquial Japanese.


 聖書改訳文は元訳の文体に限り申候 口語体は威厳なく口調悪く記憶に不便に候 勅語もし口語体にて作られる時代来らばイザ知らず云々





塚本虎二訳 1993 『新約聖書 福音書』 岩波書店  (bold emphasis added)

I have never seen this expression but it can be literally understood as:

喜ん(連体形・撥音便) + で(接続助詞) + 来(補助動詞) + た(過去)

= 「口語訳が喜ばれるようになって来た」 People came to welcome Bible in colloquial terms.

Is my understanding correct? Are there any other possible interpretation?


I agree that it is an unusual expression, but I understood it to be exactly in the same form as the “言って来た” in “言って来た人があった位である”. That is, as an action taken toward the speaker. I find this interpretation especially likely because they both are used in conjunction with quotes from readers.

From スーパー大辞林:


⑰ …話し手の方へ向かって動作が行われ…

  • お客さんが(私に)電話をかけてきた

    A customer gave me a phone call.

  • お客さんが(私に)怒ってきた
    A customer got angry towards me.

  • おかしな服を着てたら友だちが笑ってきた
    A friend laughed at me when I was wearing a strange outfit.

  • 口語訳を非常に喜んできた
    People were very pleased (towards me) for the colloquial translation.

Most occurrences of 喜んできた I could find online were not used in this sense, but rather in the sense of “以前から常々喜んできた”. But since your specific sentence begins with “この時は”, I think this can be ruled out.

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