Monday, July 30, 2018

halacha - Correct kavanah in certain words in the first bracha of shemoneh esrei

When one desires to concentrate on every word of the first bracha of Shemoneh Esrei, as required, in order to fulfil the obligation of daily prayer, when he gets to the words "magen Avraham," should the intention when he says "magen" be "shield" and then the intention of "Avraham" be "of Avraham," like it indicates in the interlinear Artscroll translation, or should he think "shield of" when saying "magen" and "Avraham" when saying "Avraham"?


If you understand the terms, think "magen" (knowing it means "shield of") when you say magen and Avraham (knowing it means "Abraham") when you say Avraham.

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